Home::Tools & Editors
FastCap 1.4.7
Released: 11.09.2006 Logo FastCap 1.4.7  
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Product homepage: http://www.EjoyStudio.com
Price: $29.95 US
(1269 K)


FastCap is a smart PC game and movie recorder to record and compress video and audio on the fly while you are playing them! FastCap will not laggard down your PC much even when you record at high FPS. It can generate vivid movie of your 2D or 3D Games with frame size bulk up to 1152 x 864 or diminutive frame size (e.g. 400 x 300).FastCap also support many video and audio compressed formats.FastCap’s audio and video is fully sync!

FastCap 1.4.7

Keywords: game recorder,screen capture,game video,gameplay,game movie,FastCap,video compress,audio compress,sync,EjoyStudio,game demo

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