Kristmas Kombat 1.0
Released: 09.07.2010 Logo Kristmas Kombat 1.0  
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista U
Product homepage: http://www.winminigames.com/Kristmas_Kombat/index.html
Price: Freeware
(3161 K)


Kristmas Kombat is one of the coolest flash-based combat games. Artwork is wonderfully composed. You play as either Santa, Rudolf, or the Snowman. Each character has their own special powers or abilities. Game comes with several well-known popular songs and tunes so you can choose your own background music, chorus or song. The only way to win, like every other combat game, is not to lose your health points first. Do that, and lose

Kristmas Kombat 1.0

Keywords: Kristmas Kombat, arcade, action, mini, game

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