ST Thumbnails Explorer 1.2.2260
Released: 27.05.2008 Logo ST Thumbnails Explorer 1.2.2260  
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,
Product homepage: http://www.softfields.com/prode.php
Price: $29.95 US
(2276 K)


Fastest Thumbnails Viewer with explorer-like interface. It allows you to browse the thumbnails of files Adobe Illustrator v.7-CS3 (AI, AIT, EPS), CorelDRAW v.4-X4 (CDR, CMX, CCX, CDT, PAT, CLK,CPT,CMV,DES,CSL), FreeHand v.7-11 (FH7-11, FT8-11), InDesign (INDD), CorelXARA/Xara X (XAR, ART, WEB) and others (MDI, EMF, PDF, PS, JP2, TIF, GIF, PSD, etc). Animation and multi-page support. Shows version, type, keywords, notes, size and other file info.

ST Thumbnails Explorer 1.2.2260

Keywords: coredraw, illustrator, freehand, indesign,thumbnail,adobe, photopaint, viewer, cdr, cmx, ccx, ai, indd,fh, ft, clk, cpt, cmv, md

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